Friday, March 30, 2007

Do not be hurt and upset...

Do we get upset, hurt and angry or feel let down when people close to you are indifferent about your pains, hurts and fail to stand by you in prayer.
We'll always come across situations were even people we thought as our own fail to understand us.
There will be times when people you thought were your best friend walk away, avoid you and pretend they don't know you.
There'll be times when people you love and trusted will turn their back on you.
When walking through hurtful situation...let's just lift up our eyes to JESUS CHRIST the only one who will never ever leave or forsake us.
Well...when Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane and when He wanted His disciples ( who were His friends) to stay awake and pray with Him, they went to sleep.
But He was not upset or angry with them. 
He loved them still.
Again when He needed them most they left Him standing alone but still He loved them.
We too got to love as Jesus loved.
We need to be imitators of Jesus!

Be Blessed,


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The value of women~A tribute to women~~

Women are an important part of all vital relationships on earth, You may be a grandma, mom, sister, daughter, wife, fiancee, friend but you are an unique gift!

God created all and said, it was good (Gen 1:31). God saw man was lonely and made woman.

A woman is special and God wants to use  each of us women too for His glory.

Rise up women of God!

I received this message by SMS want to share it with you....

"Be careful if you make a woman cry because God counts her tears.
A Woman came out of a man's rib, not from his feet to be walked on..
Not from his head to be superior over..
But from his side to be equal & to be protected,
And next to his be loved & cherished."

This is to all you women, each of you are exceptional and precious in God's eyes.        



